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Unit 16, Exercise II (English to Latin)

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2016 5:58 pm
by rothbard
Hi, I would be grateful if anyone could correct or critique the following translations for me:

1. The queen was so ashamed of her burning love for the handsome leader that she drove him from her state.

Reginam tam puduit amoris ardentis nautae pulchri ut eum a civitate expulerit.

2. In order to terrify the citizens, the legate ordered the troops that they attack and destroy their province.

Ad cives terrendos legatus copias iussit provinciam oppugnare et delere.

3. The art of writing a poem is so difficult that very few men are desirous of learning how it should be done.

Tam difficilis est ars carminorum scribendorum ut paucissimi cupidi sint discendi quomodo id faciendum sit.

4. After the torches had been carried into the (city) gates, the king was able to show the lofty walls to the guests from the province who had come to learn the art of fortifying towns.

Postquam taedae in portas (urbis) illatae erant, rex alta moenia monstrare potuit hospitibus e provincia qui ad artem discendam oppidorum muniendorum advenerant.

5. Learning about other people's laws bores me; I don't even have time to read our own.

Me taedet discere leges aliorum gentium. Ne tempus quidem habeo ut nostras ipsas legam.

Re: Unit 16, Exercise II (English to Latin)

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2016 7:49 pm
by bedwere
Of course, I can be wrong


Reginam tam puduit ardentis erga pulchrum nautam amoris &c.


I think that you should write

eorum provinciam

otherwise it seems to be the legate's province



Re: Unit 16, Exercise II (English to Latin)

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2016 8:47 pm
by rothbard
Thanks, much appreciated! :)