A learner with Arabic Background

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A learner with Arabic Background

Post by Mushrraf »

Salvete Omnes!

Hopefully you are fine and reading these words in the best of your faith and health!

I am "Mushrraf Baig Ashraf". Surprisingly, my name has three parts just like a classic latin name had "tres partes: paranomen, nomen cognomenque" where "Baig" is my cast and "Ashraf" is my father's name. It is not "necesse" that everyone has three parts in his name, in our area. But, they usually have two.

I am a student of Arabic language and its sciences and have a love for languages as language is a strange phenomenon in nature and if I speak in terms of my belief, then I would say that it is a marvelous manifestation of the attributes of God, Almighty. Besides, English has been a part of our life for a long time and it is inevitable to indulge into it. And, language is not just a collection of words, rather it is broader than this. Tt is a historical, cultural accumulation. So, I realized that I need to learn Latin which is considered "mater multarum linguarum Europae". And, although English is categorized under the Germanic languages, Latin's impact in profound and after I started learning Latin and acquired a bit of "Grammatica Latina" I started reading the etymology of almost every English words, passes by me and I was surprised that the roots of the most words go back to Latin. So, it is really an interesting experience. So, I would say that: "Et Latinam amo".

"Sed, hec scaena prima fabulae meae non est." The first scene is when I came to know that a teacher in my university is teaching Latin to the students of another faculty. Definitely, the course was not offered to us. But, when I knew this, I was very much excited and asked "Doctorem Linguae Latinae" to let me attend the lectures and he approved of this without any reservation. So, the story begins from here.

"Nimis Amat Linguam Latinam Doctor Mea". Once, I asked its reason and he replied, smiling: "It may be due to my name". His name is "Caesar" (قيصر). Here I would like to mention that Arabic language preserved the actual pronunciation of this name, not like English which pronounces it like "Cesar".

Anyhow, I developed a good relationship with him and we started learning Latin outside the class as well. And, at the time of writing these words, "lego Capitulum Terrium Decimum a libero 'Lingua Latina: Per Se Illustrata' "

But, from the outset, I never forgot my Arabic learning experience and I realized that I need to write in Latin and discuss with different people if I want to accelerate my learning and to have a deep understanding of it. So, I came across this forum and I hope that joining the forum, would a good milestone in my Latin learning.

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Re: A learner with Arabic Background

Post by bedwere »

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Re: A learner with Arabic Background

Post by Mushrraf »


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Constantinus Philo
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Re: A learner with Arabic Background

Post by Constantinus Philo »

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